The Evolution of Sales Is Here

Buyers have changed the way they buy. Salespeople have not kept up. Now is the time to change the way you sell. Time to become a trusted advisor.


A Sales Methodology for the 21st Century

We believe everyone has the capability to be a great salesperson. The Gap Selling Methodology is a proven system that empowers salespeople with a collaborative selling approach to build credibility with the buyer and develop their personal sales potential.


The Gap Selling Methodology is a sales technique that shifts the focus of the sale from your product to the buyer’s problem. In old-school selling methodologies, focusing on the features and benefits of your product meant the buyer had all the power when it came to understanding the prospect’s true needs. With Gap Selling, we teach you how to find the gap– the space between the buyer’s current and future states– and utilize that information to sell to the real problem the buyer is experiencing.


Gap Selling teaches you how to be Problem-Centric™. We don’t pitch about our product or service, and we don’t try to find the customer’s “pain point” to manipulate a sale. Gap Selling is a collaborative effort with the buyer to identify the true source of the problem, evaluate the cost of that problem, and work together to find a solution to fill the gap.

Gap Selling
by Keenan

Buy on Amazon

Problems We Solve


When a buyer keeps pushing out a deal, they are signaling they are comfortable with the status quo and therefore don’t have a sense of urgency.  Too many salespeople are unaware of their buyer’s buying process required to close a deal.


Low ASP stems from a discovery process is really a feature dump where no real value is built to drive the deal forwarded. Salespeople are left defending the impact their solutions has on the buyer and result to discounting to "get the deal".


When it comes to converting opportunities, the root causes can be extensive. The primary reasons a deal doesn’t convert to a client is simply the salesperson did not uncover the buyer's motivation for change.

Services provided by RevUp Sales LLC

RevUp Sales LLC is a Gap Selling training partner. The Gap Selling methodology, copyright, and trademark are owned by A Sales Growth Co.